
This page will be updated as the semester progresses and the topics may change. Lecture slides will be posted the evening before each class. Homeworks will be available as they are assigned and solutions posted after they have been graded.

WeekDateMaterialsReferencesAssignments & Scripts
11/13Introduction and Course MaterialChapter 1
21/20Database ConceptsChapter 2
31/25Entity-Relationship ModelChapter 3
1/27Relational ModelChapters 5, 9
42/1Relational AlgebraChapter 8
2/3Relational Algebra & CalculusChapter 8
52/8SQL - Part 1Chapter 6
2/10SQL - Part 2Chapters 6, 7
62/15SQL - Part 3Chapters 6, 7
2/17SQL - Part 4Chapters 6, 7
72/22MySQL Stored Procedures
2/24JDBC (Java / SQL Programming)Chapter 10
93/7 + 3/9Spring Break!
103/14Database Design - Part 1Chapter 14
3/16Database Design - Part 2Chapter 14, 15
113/21Data StorageChapter 16
3/23Indexing - Part 1Chapters 16, 17
123/28Indexing - Part 2Chapter 17
3/30Query Processing & Query OptimizationChapters 18, 19
134/4Query Optimization - Part 2Chapter 19
4/6Transaction Management & Concurrency ControlChapters 20, 21
144/11PHP (Web Programming)Chapter 11
4/13Big Data SystemsChapters 23, 25
154/18NoSQLChapter 24
164/25Last day: Elastic Search + MEAN Stack