Yin Ming

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Automation Department
Guangdong University of Technology


: yiming@gdut.edu.cn
: 020-8888888
: Room 408, Engneering Building No.2, Guangdong University of Technology
: Guangzhou, China, 510006


Short Bio

I'm an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Emory University. I received my Ph.D. from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at UT-Austin, co-advised by Dr. Joydeep Ghosh (Intelligent Data Analysis Exploration Lab) and Dr. Sriram Vishwanath (Laboratory for Informatics, Networks, and Communications). I'm also a co-founder and the chief data scientist of Accordion Health. We are a healthcare data analytics startup that provides targeted guidance using predictive analytics.

Prior to UT, I graduated from MIT with a B.S and M.Eng degree from the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department. After graduation, I worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on various projects before returning to graduate school. For more details, view my CV.


  • 基于人体运动大数据分析的运动康复系统
  • 高阶张量表示的视频压缩感知方法研究

  • Research Interests

    My research interests encompass the intersection of data mining / machine learning and healthcare analytics. My work focuses on missing data, disease-specific risk prediction, temporal analysis, and dimensionality reduction. Read more details about my research projects here.

    Selected Publications

    For the full publication list, see the publications page.

    1. Marble: High-throughput phenotyping from electronic health records via sparse nonnegative tensor factorization. KDD 2014.
    2. Limestone: High-throughput candidate phenotype generation via tensor factorization. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2014.
    3. Septic shock prediction for patients with missing data. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2014.
    4. DYNACARE: Dynamic cardiac arrest risk estimation. AISTATS 2013.
    5. Risk prediction of a multiple sclerosis diagnosis. ICHI 2013.
